Monday, June 29, 2009
of all the things ive came across in my 18yrs of living,
29th june,2009 is the unluckiest,unluckiest unluckiest day.
idk whats the problem with today?!
firstly,my keyboard spoiled ytd.
i was waiting with hopes for my techinician to repair,
he says my keyboard spoiled,and ive to buy a new one,
which cost $50plus.i was v reluctant to pay cause,
i wasnt the one who spoiled it.
when i was on my way with my technician to buy the keyboard,
we bumped into his friend who bought the keyboard i wanted.
i saw it and i was like excited.
then,the salesperson told us it was sold out.
so the person who bought it was my technician's friend! TSK.
im alrdy pissed.
and my colleauges still give sarcastic remarks which i hate ttm.
if you dont wan to help then just shut up laaa,
say so much rubbish for what shit?
secondly,i was like craving for minced meant porridge with egg.
i went to the market to buy it.
the person told us the egg was out of stock.
when we went to buy "you tiao",we wanted 5.
the person told us only left 2.DAMN IT LORRRRRR.
thirdly,my shop now no longer have part timer alrdy.
if i want to work,ive to convert to full time.
which means one month ive to hit the sales target;
i cant off as i wish;
everyday has to chiong like a dog.
minimum convertion to full time has to be 3 mth.
if thats the case,den whats the point of me gg to study.
its because i dont wish to stay in this stupid company,
getting stupid pay.
if i dont want to convert,
means i can sit back and relax at home from 1st july onwards.
ive to let them know the ans by tml.
how cool it is.
fourth,my classmate recommended me one job in bank.
which is to pick calls and ans customer's enquiry.
pay wise is not bad but ive to do shift work.
and it has a one yr contract.
the other one is working a job consultant.
pay wise is not bad also,commission is high.
the last one is to work in a salesline in bank.
recommend ppl to take loan or sign for credit card.
actually,pay wise for the 3 of three is kinda gd.
but now,ive to make a choice out of the 3 by tml.
HOW TO CHOOSE?! hp died on me when i was sms-ing with friends.
and ive to lend charger from my friend.
even now,im blogging in my shop.DARN.
everything seems to be sooooo wrong today....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
chest,one more yr to 18!
and you can buy cigg,beer and watch M18 movie officially!
i bet you will spend your bday with your gf eh.
so i hope you will enjoy yourself to the fullest!!
snap all those sweet pics and show me and jx!
meet up soon yea.loves! :D
but it was cancelled cause chest didnt reply jx's text.
we didnt know if he could have any other plans ahead.
i told jx what if we surprise ourseleves instead? lol.
so we said we shall meet up one day instead.
luckily it was cancelled!
i was down with fever! tskkk.
okay ppl,its not H1N1-.-
luckily i didnt have flu,sore throat or cough.
else all my friends will be evil till,
they will ask me quarantine myself! tskkk.
the first one is xy!! HAHAHAHA.
baby reian is sick,so am i......
Thursday, June 25, 2009
the crowd recently seriously sucks a big time.
or isit the prob lies with me?
cause all my friends got sales! -.-
all i did tdy was eat,eat and eat.tskkkk.
from tml to sun,i must start chiong-ing sales alrdy!
oh yes,baby reian is sick!!
he isnt as energetic as usual;
he didnt smile and play that much as usal;
all he did was to keep lying on his's mom shoulder.
and he coughs often! poor reian!
i feel sad to see him lidat...
cause it is v terrible when a child is sick...
i took these few pics last week!
and he didnt smile like this today! :(
how adorable he is right.
everyone just cant help but to carry him each time he comes.
and he would give one v charming smile! hahaha.
now,ive to start goggle-ing and asking ard for my new job.
seriously,idk what job i want eh.
feel that hotel jobs isnt what i want but,
this job is the easiest one now!
hunting down.........
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
it has been awhile since i last went ecp for bowling!
and i really did enjoyed myself eh.
though ive lost 2/4 bets laaaaa.HAHAHA.
i must say,when i get serious,i can be v gd.MUHAHAHAA.
after which,went back to ubi for ball-ing with eileen and shir.
they lost to us for 8sets lorrrrrrrr.LOLLOL.
life has been kinda normal for me laa recently.
work,ball,slack and chit-chats with friends.
anw!! i suddenly have alot of thinkings running in my mind now.
and i feel like blogging it out.
this is individual thinking only.hahaha.
i will use "you" as an indication.
i dont have any intention to say anyone,
but if anyone thinks im saying abt them.then too bad k :]
sometimes,will anyone thinks tt the world is v realistic? i seriously agree that mankind is self-fish and one will never be satisfied with the things they've now.they will to ask for more and more.have you ever wonder that even the closest ones beside you might be the one who will betray and hurt you one day? sisters,brothers,best friends,close friends are just all a name to represent them.have you ever wonder tt on day,they might be the ones who will make you crawl on the floor begging them for mercy? if you haven,start this world,the only person you can trust is only yourself.when you think that your in heaven,but actually your just a step away from a tiger's den.sometimes,dont you ever wonder when people get close to you,they have certain ulterior motives? they will only kick you off when the value of using you is finished.
or have you ever wonder why a certain person who has never contact you,suddenly will call or sms you? they might have sth up their,dont fall into their traps! pls dont ever think when someone show you a little care or so called "love" and you see them as if they are your lovers..pls open your big big eyes to see everyone clearly.they might be a wolf in disguise.sometimes,someone whom you think is naive,innocent and stupid might be the one who stir everything up and create chaos in a group.but when the time you have found out,its alrdy too late. oh yes! this is the main wonders in my mind.have you ever think wonder why the fault is at you when your trying to be good to someone? have you ever been in a situation when everyone starts to pin-point and blaming you when you try to be a good guy or trying to warn your friends abt sth? to me,the role of a good guy is nv is why many ppl choose to be bad guy.they rather ppl to say them for the things they have done,than to be a good guy whom hearing ppl saying nasty things abt them for the things which they did not do. sometimes,dont think that you understand someone well,because deep dont at dont even understand yourself at times,how can you possibly understand others?
conclusion? never try to act smart.when you think what your doing is right,actually its your big eyes before choosing your friends.and trust me,never try to be a good guy.nth good in return will happen to you.being a pure listener w/o giving any solutions is the best role[: ,give a serious thought to it before doing long as your think your right,just do it.dont have to bother abt how others will think or say.because,who are they to judge and comment? they dont have the rights to do so.
okay people,im not trying to be emo.SERIOUSLY.HAHAHAHA.
im off to bed! :D
Sunday, June 21, 2009
hello sher sher!
HAPPY SWEEEEET 19TH shermaine lo mei xia!
though we've not known each other for v long,
but still,you play a part in my life okay!
bringing me all those fun and sweet memories :D
im contented so long as ive such a friend like you!
we went NYNY for dinner at citylink.
we ordered our food and talk like theres no tml!
we ran into one of bnss student working there as a waitor.
and bett was so mean,she kept disturbing him lor! lol.
his eng was kinda slangggg and his photography skill is gd! haha.
a birthday song was sang by the staff there,
and they were nice to make sher sher one "cake" LOL!
we're almost the last to leave NYNY,
and headed to a place to take pics.

nik is never tired at taking pics!
she will always ask us to take pic with diff actions and poses.
whenever theres outing,me and bett wont dare to take our cam out,
nik's cam alone will make us feel inferior;
cause hers is way too powerful! LOLLOL.
oh btw! she will only free us when we're rushing for last bus or train.
but still,i had alot of fun with them.
there will nv be lack of laughters and lame jokes.
a pity tt hui and jx were not there.... :(
part 2! lol.
sher suggested to gg ecp to catch toys suddenly.
and as a friend,i wouldent want her to go alone right.
soooooo im nice to tag along!
with my bro and ubi friends for the surprise of bday cake!
sher sher was too engrossed looking at the bears,
and didnt notice the presence of my bro.LOLLOL.
my bro gave her a big big shock when he tapped her.HAHAHAHA.
as it was a last min surprise,my bro just came w/o changing! lol.
of my 19years living with him,
he didnt even once buy me a cake lorrrrr.TSK! -.-
notice the SUPER BIG STITCH!?!
we're supposed to exchange it for 6 jackpots,
but the boss said since its for the bday girl,den 5.
the other person was nice enough to give us at 4!!!
and the big stitch did attracted alot of attention!
my bro was the one holding onto it.SUPER PS
sher sher! i hope you did enjoyed yourself!
afterall,we just wanna see you happy :D
Friday, June 19, 2009
firstly,let me apologise for my emo-ness.
it was just a one day emo-ness okay.
i'll only emo when life gets boring! LOLLOL.
now im back to usual with my idiotic and lame jokes.
and,thanks alot for those who tagged,msned and sms.
i appreciated ttm! :D :D
im fine alrdy,thanks a million!
i'll only get to emo 5times a yr,so dont worry
i know no matter how hard life can get to be,
i'll always have my friends ard to lend me their listening earSSS.
friends like team,baos,chan huei,xy,siew,wee and alot more.
tt is why nth can beat me down easily :D
ball-ing session was being organised by KARMA TAN.
and so,credit all goes to her.haha.
i always get so excited to meet them.
i know i'll be laughing at their idiotic actions and jokes.
i always love the loudness and crazyness i get from them.
the 4 hrs of ball-ing almost got me dead on court.
im damn exhausted at the time of 8pm.LOL.
theres one thing which i can be sure of is that...
and i'll do anything to have them by my side always!
i just wanna say,i love them sooo sooo much :D
oh yes.
all these while ive been webcam-ing with 2 ppl.
and they are the ones who made me zZz at 4,5am.LOLLOL.
but the webcam-ing session was fun! :D

karma is always messing with her hair.
whenever we wanna print screen,she would ask me to wait for AGES.
she will goes "wait ah,wait ah"
oh yes,thanks for being my listening ear!
you know i'll love you forever! :D

she's the owner of LIELIECHAR.hahahaha.
anw,you will be my friend,tt will never change.
this will be my last decision! :D :D
i hope you will be smiling when you see this sentence.HAHAHA.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
firstly,ANOREXIA acc me to sch to take my cert.
its just a v simply cert.
her first ques was "why got D?"
ya lor.i also think so.....
even now,im still feeling v depressed abt it :(
after which,we headed to PS for movie.
which i think wasnt really scary eh.
it was the sound effects tt make the whole movie scary.
ANOREXIA only watched #3.50 out of $6.50 show lor.
cause most of the part she covered her eyes-.-
she still asked me what had happend.LMAO.
okay,overall the movie was okay! :D
then we headed to a place with strong wind! HAHAHA.
i went there once with KYT and XY before.
we actually wanna compete to see who can reach the top,
and guess what?
we sat there and chatted for 2hrs.
it seems like we've tons to chat abt,like theres no tml! :D
starting point! :D
evidence of us reaching the
i guess it was 4storeys high.
as we climbed up,i can feel my muscles gg to cramp.LOL.
we were like panting lorrrrr.hahaha.
as we sat down there,
theres one group of girls were panting as they climbed up.
me and anorexia were like wanting to laugh but dont dare.
then 3 of them came back after some time,
asking if we could help them to take pic.
girl:"jus now you all laughing as we climbed up right."
me:"ya lor she laughed not me."
anorexia:"no,its not me."
HAHAHAHA.we got a shock lor.LMAO!
damn funny lor.cant stand.
anw i had a great great chat with ANOREXIA!:D
i can be a v gd listener okay,so do find me when you need one.
anw rem "your my friend,that will never change"
i hope you catch what im trying to say.hahaha.
seeyou tml! :D
okay qin!
your wish is granted! :D
i dont wanna show my results la,
see liao wanna cry.HAHAHAHA.
tts all for my day! :D
Sunday, June 14, 2009
4days of war has finally come to an end.
and it was so depressing lorrrr.
i cant imagine me earning less than the previous fair!
let me just briefly tell you how was the crowd like.
they even had the space to do star jump in the middle;
we could even give out the flyers FREELY;
squeezing didnt take place like the previous one;
they could even run abt the booth. shld i comfort myself!! :(
i feel so depressing!! -.-
but theres one thing i shld be glad with.
its those fun and nice time we had with each other.
and those 4 friends we had known them are great :D
we just like played and messed ard when we felt bored.
we laughed like madness when one did stupid things.

theres one funny conversation between kyt and one uncle.
sam:hello,can i help?"
uncle:"nope,ive got no $$"
kyt:"you can use credit card."
uncle"no money,how to swipe?"
kyt:"you can work."
uncle:"i no money leh,you wanna work for me?"
super hilarious lor.CMI!
idk what had got into kyt's head at tt time.
she seemed pissed by tt uncle.HAHAHAHA.
but i really did had alot alot of fun with them :D :D

ytd i played webcam until 2plus lor with karma,shir and anorexia.
it hell damn tiring when i got up tdy.
kept refusing to get up eh....
but i still had fun eh? MUHAHAHA.
Friday, June 12, 2009
ytd i suggested to buy a cake for andy tdy.
and im glad enough everybody fork out the money.
but credit all goes to siew cause she's the one who bought it!
a bday song was sang,candles were blown,cakes were eaten.
after repeating the same old phrase time and again,
i didnt sell ANY!!
ytd i sold 7sets lor,but today......:(
they told me to divide my sales into 2 days.
so i was thinking tt sales is bad enough alrdy,
dinner shld be sth gd to at least make my day worthwhile.
but when i saw the food,i almost fainted.
the sight of it CMI LOR!
i jus refused to eat the awful dinner.MUHAHAHA.
oh yes!
EILEEN LOW came to the fair to buy laptop.
and her mom is such a angel eh.
ANOREXIA jus mentioned to her only and she really bought!
though she did not buy it from me,at least it from my company.
im such a nice friend lorrrrrrrrrr.HAHAHAHAHA.
and she owed me 2 breakfast :D :D
and now "lieliechar" is having her supper,
while "charcharlie" is having her nap now.MUHAHAHA.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
today im awake at 4.24am.
i was sweating all over and it made me so sticky.
i had the urge to bath but was lazy to get up.
hence,i just forced myself to zZz and i did! LOL.
but....i was dragging my legs to work today.
and worst is! i didnt get to sell any.DARN!
but theres always someone to cheer me up!
isnt him alone enough to make you smile all day?
and iove his big big eyes! its soooo charming! HAHAHA.
after which,i went to meet shirley and eileen after work.
they were with their friends,and i feel abit weird.
so i waited outside.
i swear the wait made me feel v desperate for friends.LOL!
i text ch and sher but they replied me after sometime.
sher offered to come down and look for me but i refused.
im afraid tt we'll just be able to meet awhile only.
i guess today was the first time of my whole life,
feeling so helpless and desperate for friends.LOLLOL!
but it wasnt their fault!
because im the one who dont want to go in.MUHAHAHA
well,we walked and walked like theres no tml....
they took to a place where i find it quite relax to slack at.
we crapped and chatted abit.
somehow or rather,i couldent blend into their topics.LOL!
its hard for 2 strangers to had a heart-to-heart talk.
but i did it with shirley.
though you may not get to see this post,
i jus wanna say nice meeting you!
i had a nice chat with you,
and of course with EILEEN LOW too :D
Sunday, June 7, 2009
ytd sales at sim lim was like so gd la.12 sets!
but tday the crowd died on me.
i was like.....slacking,eating and crapping lor.
then i asked ray to sent me to SBC and he refused!
so i kept bugging him until we came to a deal.
he said if i can managed to sell one,he will send.
and,i guess this gave me a motivation to sell.LOL.
i did sell one okay! HAHAHAHA.
so he got no choice but to send me to SBC.MUHAHA.
anw,i met up with kyt,jx,grace and karma! :D
it has been ages since i last met grace!
we just laughed and messed ard at SBC.
those crappings with them was great.
walao eh miss karma,stop commenting on ppl lor! -.-
and i heard YOUR CHEERS jus now!!
we parted after mac.
so me,kyt,jx and grace went to the same busstop.
okay i regretted.
because the bus was full of MIC and blangas.
the smell is alrdy a prob,but im not racist okay!
but i hate it when they tried to squeeze their way through,
hitting and stepping on my foot! -.-
after seeing karma's blog,i miss team even more.
eps training times......
those times when we sweated and trained tgt....
meet up soon team! LOVES!
okay! i got this from a particular someone.
okay,her name is "SOMEONE"
we met up to catch a match at SBC and chatted till 10plus.
i guess we did had a nice chat? lol.
thanks for the sticky! :D
oh yes,she said this "you lead me to the path of eternity"
which made me LMAO.
she sounds as if im her saviour.HAHAHAHA.
anw,i hope my words did help you abit.
everything will be fine alright.
im just a call away :D