today sales sucked!
but pay's still okay laa.
so,i was fooling around with Sim Xue Jun.
shes really like a fly keep disturbing and pestering me.
NON-STOP one.haha.
but it was lucky to have her around today,
else i will be real bored.
i hope tomorrow there will be more sales and fun!
its the last day of IT FAIR already! (:(:
oh ya!!
before i forget.
guess who i saw today?
whats surprised me was that she actually...
strolling around the hall with balloons in her hands for the kids.
she still tel me she wont work in IT FAIR one!
but dont play play ah.
still got "traffic police" to protect one.LOL!!
i am too tired to blog even further.
'Signed off 12.58am
Sunday, August 31, 2008
2nd day!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
first day of IT FAIR
firstly,i wanna complain about my school!
we were supposed to start exams at 10am.
but it started at 11.10am,
due to the printing errors in our book!
they said we are supposed to start from 2-4pm.
we were all very agitated when we argued with the in-charge.
arguing to postpone the exams,
and she yak and yak and yak.
insisted that if one disagrees,
then the paper wont be postponed.
one classmate of mine wanna argued,
then his actions super funny.
spoke in a way which no one can understand.
the class broke into loud laughters.
today's paper was okay!
all the questions Mr Kwan wrote onto the board,
really came out as exact questions.
i answered happily.
i guess i am able to score an A,hopefully(:(:
today's sales was up to expectation.
so,i was very glad when the day ended.
i couldent help slacking at the end of the day.
i did not have enough of rest!
only FIVE hours of sleep.
today xy very funny.
this was the conversation we had just now.
grace:"eh! just now dont know who walked past then everyone turn leh."
grace:"i think its the girl who acted in the Beach Volleyball."
xy:"liu zhi xuan ah?!?"
grace:"no laa."
xy:"orh.joanne peh la"(confidently)
grace:"no laa! its the one who acted as Si Xing"
xy:"orh,that hello kitty girl laa."
sam and grace:(broke into laughters)
grace:"wah xy,still like confident ah.LAUGHS"
okay! its our turn to laugh at graceeeeeee lin.

wah,cant stand man!
grace's retarded face is so damn funny.
sam:"grace,see your face!"
grace:"ya i know laa.i serving the customer then the girl go snap."
sam:" damn funny lor."
grace:"ya laa,i was staring at the girl,waiting for her to delete it."
grace:"i cant scold her ma,stare liao she still never delete it! i also forget liao."
grace's retarded face is so damn funny.
tomorrow will be more fun with Sim Xue Jun around.
pray for good sales! HOHOHOHO.
'Signed off 1.22am
Thursday, August 28, 2008
dad dad.
finally we decided to go 85 market to save trouble.
actually i think food and location doesnt really matter.
as long as the whole family gathers together(:(:
thats the most important point to me.
and and and.
my family doesnt seems to cooperate with my phone camera.
my two brothers sucks.............
because they dont want take pictures with me :( :( :( :(
only food cooperate with me,
because they wont fidget! HAHAHA.
the two brothers of mine are very idiotic one!
the last picture also is i forced them to take one!
below are two dearest,dearest person to me.

i am gone to mugging for tomorrow's paper already!
'Signed off 9.32pm
happy bday dad!
actually dont wanna on my laptop one,
but my mom wanna take a look at something.
i came to blog also! HAHAHA.
we still cant decide to go where for dinner.
Thiong Bahru for buffet?
Geylang for frog's legs?
Bedok 85 Market for all the small dishes?
to me,i wanna go Geylang!!
the taste of those delicacies i had last time,
i still cant get over...

okok,people dont scold me ah.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
marketing's paper
today's paper was a disppointing one.
only 2 out of 4 questions came out of what i have studied!
the other one i just anyhow bomb.
very sad!
i guess i wont fail,
but dont know if i am able to get a A or onot.
someone,cheer me up please.
=( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =( =(
after which i headed down to TM to meet KYT they all.
okay,we catched "4bia" at TM.
seriously,ratings for this is 2/5 stars.
i think this is more of a comedy rather then a horror one.
KYT and i were laughing for most of the part.
KYT even know whats up next.LOL!
she can be the director already!!
this movie is not recommended by meeeee!
not a good one.
instead,i finds it lame,lame,lame.LOL.
REALLY NOT NICE(emphasised!!)
today i saw yingto at one of the ubi busstop when i am in 63.
i think she's really retarded.
this is our text conversation.
yingto:"ooi stupid,where you going?"
sam:"what school la,i havin exams.
sam:ehhh.i almost cant recognise look like typical ah lian"
yingto:"wad ah lian?"
sam:"i look at you very long liao."
yingto:"see my eye sight so good so fast i spot an idiot staring at me"
(its only 1m away lor!!)
sam:"whose the retard who saw me then like very happy? wave and smile to me like you never see me before like that."
yingto:"i see a idiot i of course happy."
(people,she really wave like she see a superstar!) HAHAHA.
okay,i am lazy to type further.
the behind part is even more retarded.
i may consider to accompany you go MDIS,
provided i get a lunch treat from you.HAHAHAHA.
'Signed off 12.02am
Monday, August 25, 2008
a day mugging.
Marketing's paper is tomorrow!
i guess should be okay for me?
well,i did studied okay!!
i have been coping myself at home for days!
i hope all these paid off man.
wee wee.
dad's birthday is round the corner.
3 more days!
mom dont know either to get him a present;
or to go out for a dinner celebration.
because my dad doesnt celebrate his birthday one.
we are thinking to get a handphone for him!
for me,
i rather the whole family to go out together.
because we usually dont have family day.
so its very very rare for the 5 of us to go out.
i am more thoughtful okay!
tomorrow i am going to order a birthday cake for my dad!
i know he will be bery happy to know this.
this week is a very busy week for me.
tues:Marketing's paper and outing with KYT they all.
thurs:birthday celebration for dad,and studying!
fri:Business Management's paper and working in IT FAIR!
sat:working in IT FAIR.
sun:working in IT FAIR.
'Signed off 7.48pm
Sunday, August 24, 2008
raining day!
today is such a nice weather for sleeping!!
i was mugging and doing research in the noon.
managed to have a 2 hours nap! LOL.
the weather is just soooooooo nice!
so cool and refreshing.wee wee.
woah.time flies!!
i only left tomorrow to mug for tues's paper!
i guess i am still slacking!
i have finished watching "On The First Beat"!
its really niceeeee man:D:D
i have watched far far away from SCV! haha.
see! see! see!
they have the couple looks!
after all kinds of obstacles,
but they still cant get together.
i find that the ending wasnt a good one!
the female lead died in the end!
sooooo sad.
everything was goin on so perfectly,
so she shouldent have died!!
hey guys,go catch this show!
you can lend DVD from me.HAHAHAHA.
'Signed off 9.41pm
Saturday, August 23, 2008
i guess for those who know me,
will be surprised to know who i went studying with today!
its N A T A L I E W O O!! (neh tua liap) LOL!
gosh,shes as tall as ever!
174m i guess.
and of course pretty too! heheh.
guess we too long never meet up already,
the moment we saw each other,
we yak and yak non-stop.LOL.
she didnt had the heart to study today,
i forced her to!
because i didnt want to waste another mugging day(:(:
pictures for the day!!
i restarted my lappy twice to get those pictures uploaded!
damn irritated!
nat,u better be honoured! HAHAHA.
'Signed off 2.07pm
Thursday, August 21, 2008
today,i am only able to study one topic.
due to the distraction!!
chan huei played her handphone;
shuwei played her psp;
xuejun was chatting all the way;
yuting was playing her Nitendo.
time is running out!!
i only left four days to mug!!
its only FOUR days.
i must make full use of tomorrow!
i went to play basketball with xj,yt and sw at ubi.
i really miss those times where our team get together!
all the LAUGHS and SCREAMS =( =(
i miss all of them badly....
sweet memories from them;

i miss those times when we train together;
i miss those times when we fight hard for the trophies;
i miss those times when we head for lunch after trainings on Sat;
i miss those times when we studied together for exams;
i miss those times when we had fun outside.
i just miss all of them so badly........
i'll never ever forget each and one of them.
their faces;
their laughters;
their actions.
*the best time in my life is when i am part of the team(:(:
'Signed off 12.38am
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
today is a happy day!
how happy?
so damn happy!
my efforts are all being paid off!
after getting this results.
my next major exams is just next week only.
i am gonna achieve the same results also!
this,i promised myself! (:(:
will i be able to do it?
you will know it after 2 months from now(:(:
hoho,my mavis mummy is back from Beijing tomorrow!
she went to catch the Olympics beach volleyball and badminton.
so damn envy laa.supplier treat her go one.
i cant imagine her pattern to sit down there and STONEEEE!
well well,she bought me a present! yeayea
she still owe me a dinner upon my results! (:(:
i feel so bad for not studying for 2days already!
so tomorrow,KYT you better study and dont distract me!
im gonna MUG,MUG,MUG! (:
'Signed off 10.33pm
Monday, August 18, 2008
hey my dear friends!
i am getting fineeeeee!
so dont worry yea?
thanks for all your concern,
its greatly being appreciated by me(:(:(:
i guess,i really need to be stronger;
stronger than how i used to be.
i believe;
TIME will be my most effective medicine.
but no worries!
i will still be the best entertainer! HAHAHA.
today stupid stella and kel wasted my precious day.
asked me out to study,
and then chatted all the way!
okay,at least stella treated me Swensen ice cream.
so,we are even! HAHAHA.
i only left with 1 more week to study for my upcoming exams.
so its mugging week!
i went online searching for Jay's pictures.
then i came across something.
abit also dont have lor!
the uploader still put "dating with Jay Zhou"
let me show you the actual one!
this is the genuine and handsome one!
people compare these 2 pictures and tell me. HAHAHA
'Signed off 11.32pm
forget all those unhappy stuffs.
and be back my usual self! (:
damn damn damn!
today is a sunday,sunday!
yet i only sold one Acer Aspire One.
can consider didnt even sell one at all.
i even use "its raining laa" to console myself.
that is why Sim Lim Square was like a desert today.LOL.
most of them only came to chat with me only -.-
do i look like a entertainer? LOL.
ah!! i think its because KIMBERLY came to work today!
normally,even if its raining,Sim Lim Square also full of "preys" one.
whenever people ask KIMBERLY where she studying all this,
she will answer...
kimberly:"oh,i am a classmate of Sam."
i hate to admit this fact!
but people,u choice laa! HAHAHAHA.
(i guess KIMBERLY gonna kill me if she see this post)
one more thing!!
today's Olympics is women table tennis,
okay! i really wanna comment on this!
i use my ankle to think also can conclude the results already.
China surely will win the gold medal.
reason being?
those 3 representing SINGAPORE are all from China,
as in lets be realistic laa.
will this 3 put in their very best to play against their own country?
if they had won China;
i bet,they will never step into China again.
everywhere they go,they will be insulted and criticised.
so what if they get a sliver medal?
they still win a 75 million dollars.
Li Jia Wei will still get a 5 months of year bonus.
so,will they even care for SLIVER or GOLD medal? LOL.
'Signed off 1.28am
Saturday, August 16, 2008
my whole body was aching like damn hell today,
and yet i still went to play basketball.
i wanna run out of breath;
i wanna sweat all i can;
i wanna tire myself out;
then go home and sleep throughout the night.
but,can i?? can i??
why must i see and hear each and every word so clearly?
why cant my eyes and ears not working right just for today?
why cant my heart just forget everything in this very night?
why must everything come at one go?
please dont test the weakness of my heart;
please dont.
i know i wont be able to take it.
i just cant find the right word to fit into my mind now;
i dont know how to lift the weight away from my heart now;
i dont know what else i can do to make myself feel better now.
someone,be kind enough to cheer me up please =(
i guess TIME is the best solution,sigh.
'Signed off 12.27am
Thursday, August 14, 2008
yea! (:
today i asked T.Leong to checked for my Marketing results,
he said i got 80marks and above.
highest in class is 88.
my efforts were all paid off.
those sleepless nights arent wasted.
even though its only class test,
20% will be part of the overall exam results.
yesssssss! :D :D
my major exams are round the corner,
i am gonna put 200% in it! :D
to my dearest and beloved mom;
mom,i have not disappoint you.
the smile i seen on your face just now,
simply make me feel so proud of it.
you are my only motivation to study.
you are the greatest mom i ever seen.
you never fail to crack stupid jokes to make me laugh;
you never fail to get anxious when i am sick;
you never fail to cook delicious dinner upon waiting for me to wake up.
you never fail to ask me to turn in early whenever the clock strikes twelve.
you never fail to make me feel that i am the luckiest daughter on earth.
even though you will never get to see this post,
i just wanna say;
mom,i loveeeeee you! (:(:
because of you,
i promise i will study very very hard.
'Signed off 10.16pm
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
firstly,i wanna apologise to peiyi and my baos!
its peiyi's birthday today but sadly,
i fell sick yesterday with a damn fever.
so didnt attend lecture or the outing.
and one more thing,
peiyi's present is with me somemore.
SORRY! haha.
i missed lunch and volleyball session with my baos!
i miss their CRAZYNESS! (:(:

*your 3 messages shocked me when i woke up today.
so sad that i wasnt there where you were.
seeing you happy,i am happy too(:(:
'Signed off 11.29pm
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
movie with yt! (:

okay,this movie is damn hilarious.
i just couldent stop laughing at some scenes.
rating? 4/5 stars(:(:
people who are stressed should go watch!
not fogetting that KYT is DAMN ASS.
she got her ticket for student price at $6.00,
just by using her ez-link!
while i get mine at $7.50
i know its just $1.50,
i just wanna grumble only.HAHAHA.
after that,KYT went to get "ba zhang" for wee.
we queued for a long time okay wee! HAHAHAHA.
oh my,how sweet we are,isnt it? LOL.
when we were in bus 65,
a guy sat behind us and,
keep on commented about the live Olympics.
i thought he was talking to himself,
so it told KYT about it.
sam:"eh ting,i think the guy siao leh."
sam:"he like talking to himself leh!"
KYT:"no laa,i think he on the phone"
this is what she did.
KYT:"eh sam,wanna sit behind?" (turning to see if the guy's on the phone)
KYT:"aiya,too far liao."(pretending)
KYT:"see,he's on the phone laa.siao leh you."(whispering)
KYT:"this is a pro method right! haha."
sam:"happy ah like that?" (roll eyes)
i think she's the crazy one.LOL.

yea! tomorrow a lunch celebration for peiyi's birthday.
and then volleyball session at sentosa! COOL.
*one more day towards your freedom!
加油! 加油! 加油! (:(:
'Signed off 11.13pm.