finally! Marketing,ITT,Econs paper were over!
im left with only Business Management on 3rd jan!
after which,i really can take a deep deep breath and say...
SWEE LAA!! hahaha.
it has been almost 3weeks i didnt rest well alrdy.
im only like able to zZz for 5-6hours! :(
now im able to zZz well for the next 3 days! COOL.
today's Econs was to answer 4 out of 5 questions.
getting a pass should be okay,but i want to score well.
i hope so! (:
i went to Mahatthan's Fish Market for lunch with my baos.
im kind of sick of fish and chips alrdy.
eat until scare! hahaha.
but the crapping and slacking session was great.
i swear i would love it too bits even if its for 1/2 hour chat.
we just crapped and many other idiotic things you could imagine!
after which,we headed to a Comics shop to look look,see see.
we were all at one corner looking at those superstars's picture.
we were trying to see who got the ugliest and funny pics.
all these lasted more than 1/2 hour.but,its fun!
i really love all of them so damn much laa!
i wish......we'll only graduate like in year 2010? hahahaha.
we only had 3more months in sad.

ever since dont know when keep on cant upload photos!!
must re-try,re-try and re-try.DARN.
wan upload 5 pics also difficult lor!! KUKU.
finally tml i can put myself on holiday,
yet no one can play mahjong.HOW SAD.
speak of one person,i nearly banged onto my monitor.