Monday, February 16, 2009

three words to describe myself!
i dont have enough rest recently!
been to sch since early noon and till evening time.
okay! today ive been pissed off by my supervisor Ray Tan.
today was supposed to have steamboat tgt as its Claire's bday.
we have been asking Ray many times if he's coming,
and he said yes.
then when i reached my shop at 4plus.
he told me the steamboat was cancelled.
i really feel like punching him.
just because of him alone,we've to change date!
then,i headed back to Ubi to meet yvonne.
was too tired alrdy and i went hm at 8plus.
unbelievable rightttttttttttttt.
im too tired to continue typing.

im sorry.but i just dont wanna lie.

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