all these old pics inside my com, i found them.
i was chatting with yt and vivi jus now;
talking abt those olden days. yes,they WERE memories.
in real life,ppl might be forgotten; but memories will nv be forgotten.
sometimes,i really wonder...
is it easy when we apply "forgive and forget" in real life?
is it easy for us to act like things had nv happen before?
is it easy for us to accept apology and shake hands again?
is it easy to mend a broken friendship?
is it easy to bring back those memories into real life?

"朋友得来不易 i believe friends are friends by fate...so i see no reason why we cant be like before..i miss people who for some reason decided not to contact anymore"
im just a human too;
do you think when memories flash back;
i had no feelings?
when things happen,they become facts.
so what if one day everybody inside the pic;
agree to come out for a gathering.
do you think things will be back like the same?
do you think we could crap and joke like how we used to?
even if,10 years down the road......
we may forgive,but we will never forget.
accept the fact that the truth can never be erased.
how many times ive asked myself before;
"how great it is if certain things had nv happen?"
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