Friday, August 6, 2010

supposed to meet E at 1.30pm at vivo.
when i opened my eyes;
it was alrdy 1.45pm,i got a shock and jumped up.
then i saw her msg,she said meet 2pm;
but she reach almost at 2.30?! TSK LO.hahahaha

after mac,we just random roamed ard.
bought py's pressie and hope you like it!
thanks E for the trouble! hohoho.
due to her fussy-ness;
i opened the SUPER COLD FRIDGE for few times!
and she just stood down there and laughed?! -.-
siao sia,dont know ask me post her pic for what.
ltr com hang siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.WAHAHA

okayz,i love the last pic the most.
because she says like got motherly love? LMAO.
parted at hougang,and im off to Reian's party!
so E,the deal of meeting up once every week is on k!!
so is next fri (:

happy 2nd BABY REIAN!!
now,your alrdy v naughty,running here and there!
ive seen you since 1month old!
really hope to see you growing every year!

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