went kbox with yt and jun.
sup-posed to sing from 2-7pm but idk why,
promo is only till 5pm.
we sneaked mac into the kbox,
knowing that we will get caught.lollll.
they were eating happily and i was singing happily.
then one of the staff saw them eating through the door,
5mins ltr he came in and confiscated our mac.
i haven even touch a single bittttttttt.lol!!
after that went clar quay to get sticky,
and went to look for wee!
i realise selling sticky earns big bucks eh!!
one packet cost 2.90,3.90 and above!
yt and jun bought sticky for usuals and cost them a bomb.LOL.
siewhui came over to find us.
they wanted to mj at jun house when we're at ubi.
i was hell lazy to travel.
guess whattttttt?
siew gien till she offer to spons cabfare to jun hse.
i love the day put with them
though doing nth much,
but the nonsense they gave me are enough to make me smile.
im gg through a tough period now,but i know...
the usuals will always be my healing pills :D
i dont have to be too direct with what im gg to say,close ones will know what i mean.actually i shld have expect all this because you can nv be my true friend but only fun-talking friend.the fact that it alrdy shows how much makes me even more determined with my decision.dont have to act like one barbie doll with me,because it will not change anything that is gg through my mind now.i will not be beaten down easily,i will live even much more better,trust me i will.if ever the day comes,i will congrats and give my blessings.im not the loser,you and you are the ones.
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