the day out with them nv fail to make me happy.
i always wish i could have a time machine,
to stop the time and never end the day with them.
with them,all troubles are gone!
so,whenever theres a meetup,
i will try my v best to meet them.
to me,having them as my friends is more than enough :D
the first thing i reached my work place is to find my HR.
i will be only working till mid of sept;
no more selling laptops,
but handphones instead!!
so ppl,do ring me up when you need a new hp.HAHAHAHA.
after which,i went sakae to meet my team.
we ate alot and was super full.
jun was the loudest as usual,
nv fail to attract attention from side
we went esplanade for photoshoot!!
everyone was like damn tired alrdy,
and im still asking for the self timer.
we only get to meet once in awhile eh,
no pics? HOW CAN!! lol.
we saw one couple kept kissing opp us.
so the hooligans went over to disturb,
which in the end chased the couple away.HAHAHAHA.

time spent today was candid.
they kept on laughing at my small feet?!
they even took a pic of it-.-
they seriously nv fail to do stupid things to make me laugh;
we crapped and gossiped abt others as we wished;
we do stupid faces for photoshoot;
we love the companion of one another!! :D :D
this phrase we can be sure,thats for life!
comfort words dont help,
sam lets just admit that your afraid of changes.
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