Monday, July 6, 2009

karma aint online now,
and i miss webcamming and talking to her! :(
i randomly went her fb and spotted this pic!
so for those who dont know who is karma tan,
below is her beautiful picture.HAHAHA.
i bet she will yell at me after reading this post. LOL
so as a best friend of hers,
i ought to advertise her karma's experience.LOLOL.

before i start,does anyone believe in karma? LOL.
if you haven started believing,believe it now!
or else,you can ask the victim itself.HAHAHAA.
firstly,sth took place between her and XXX,XXX.LOL
and karma fell onto her.

theres one time when we met up to catch match.
she took train and it broke down for dunno what reason.
it stopped moving for 20mins i guess?
when the train finally moved,she was damn elated.
as she was late,she took a cab.

karma:"uncle,geylang east swimming complex"
uncle:"huh,where ah?"

karma almost fainted!! hahahahahaha.
she was alrdy late and the uncle aint helping at all.LOL.
she kept ranting and ranting non stop.

she wanted to take a bus to dunno where,
and she took the wrong bus and it landed at
so when she met till us,she kept complaining AGAIN.
kyt was like "eh,scarly ltr you go hm,the lift spoil"
and it did happened!!
both lifts were under maintenance,
and she had to climb all the way up to 7th storeys.HAHAHA.

the train broke down AGAIN while she's gg to meet her friends.
this time round WORST.
there was no electricity,no air con= darkness and hot.
when finally she heard some sound alert,she thought it was moving.
but no,the train aint moving at all.HAHAHAHA.
she was damn lateeeeeeeeeee alrdy.HAHAHA!
after which!!
she got into the lift and it broke down again.LOL.
to add on,her lifts were those which can see through one.
people was staring blankly at her,
wondering why the lift aint moving at all.
lastly,her hp died on her during her most helpless period.HAHAHA!!

i hope i got all the cases right!
and to my surprise....
her sis's train broke down too.LMAO
karma falls on the TANs.HAHAAHAHHA

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