ytd sim lim was like a desert,
we were like slacking for the whole day lor.
ppl simply went sim lim for window shopping.LOL.
today i guess my heart wasnt at work,
hence i was like flipping through the paper here and there.
but luckily,steve intro his boss's friend to my shop.
and he bought a laptop from me,
which made me overjoyed.LOLLOL.
finally,i sold one! :D
im living in dilemma now.
to study OR to work?
actually my plan is like hunting for jobs after graduating.
but as i was flipping through the newpaper,
i saw several private sch offering degree courses.
which really really tempted me alot.........
i begin to think alot,even now.......
i wanted to study so badly,
but financial is a prob.
i want rely on myself,i dont wish to rely on my parents.
they've worked hard enough.
the course is supposed to be $23500.
but they recognised MDIS cert,which means...
i can skip the first half yr of lectures.
and i only have to pay $15500.
someone,give me an ans pls.

chan huei wrote this for me when i was down.
and she insisted that i must blog it.
but true enough is,at least she got the heart to do so (:
thanks so much.
im feeling better alrdy.
nth can beat me down easily :D :D
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