im supposed to meet SXJ they all at 11am.
i woke up at 10.10am.
and kept on lying on my bed,refusing to get up.
because i know! they will be late!!
so i went to prepare at 10.20am and left my hse at 10.50am.
and when i reached 121,there wasnt any souls.....
wapiang eh!
i called jun and jx.both were late.
i was like wondering if vivian could be my saviour.
and true enough,she's reaching when i called her.
both xj and jx reached at 11.50am lor!!
no sense of punctuality at all! HAHAHAHAHA.
after which,we went tenaga for ball-ing.
then to 606 and back to mac to slack.
we just crapped and gossipped around until 5plus.
i headed back to ubi.

heres a mahjong pledge i received from val! :D
"we,the members of the mahjong society,
pledge ourselves on the mahjong table.
regardless of race;language or religion,
to build a wonderful DA SAN YUAN based on;
ang tiong,bei ban and huat chai so as to achieve goh tai,
zi mo and collect money for our future."
okay fine.dont comment so much okay!
i know you guys will be scolding me like madness.
a pledge only ma! HAHAHAHA.
from strangers to friends,and friends back to strangers.
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