i dragged my feet to work tdy....
3days of rest still aint enough cause i didnt zZz much!
i kept yawning and yawning...
prolly cause i did too much rantings ytd.LOL.
for those who know,will understand how i feel.
but who cares.its not a big deal anw.darn.
i didnt managed to sell any today.
many of my customers ran away,
cheating much of my feelings :(
all i did tdy was to eat,slack and online!
lets pray that i can sell at least one tml :D
i came across these pictures under my cupboard.
i cant imagine how fat am i when i was small.
even though now also fat laaaaaaaa.LOLLOL.
wah,fat until i cant stand.HAHAHAA.
my bro,jeo was so damn cute in the past,but now CMI!
dont comment on me hor ppl!

did we change alot? LOLLOL.
kla,no matter how much he've become;
he will forever be a bro who dotes on me so damn much :D
i love him! HOHOHO.
anw! today my colleagues were so damn funny laa.
vincent prompted a ques to ah boy.
ah boy:"福建面"
for those who still cant guess,the ans is "EARS"
wapiang,i swear we all laughed like madness.
the ah boy so damn random lor!!! HOKKIEN MEE?! LOLLOL.
wah,until now i still cant stop laughing lor.hahahaha.
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