Sunday, March 15, 2009

even though i did not manage to sell more than 10,
but it was okay laaa.
8 big ones,3 small ones.
at least my 4days pay is more than 500bucks,
im satisfied alrdy.haha.
the moment when the clock strike 8pm,
i almost lost all my voice alrdy.
wanna hear my sexy voice pls call me.LOLLOL.

today sth REALLY FUNNY happened.
i laughed like madness when i heard it from xy.
for those who know these 2 persons,you will laugh!!!!
yuting came out from the store room,then Dayan suddenly...
hit her buttock!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
when yt turned and looked at him,
he was v stunned and became v agitated.
"sorry sorry!! i thought you tat ming" LOLLOL!!
the situation was so awkward cannnnnnnnnn.LOL.
for your info,Dayan is a guy,and yuting is a girl.

walao.i also got embarrassed incident laaaaaaaa!
ytd i went to the toilet with yt,
then yt sat at the cushion waiting for me.
when i urine till half,my door suddenly opened!!
i was like STUNNED.........
den i quickly closed the door.
yt was like "haiyoo sam,why nv lock the door!"

but i seriously think yt's one more funny.HAHAHAHA.
thats all for my day!
and ive forgotten to tk pic with them!! :(
plus,ive lost my voice!!

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