Tuesday, March 10, 2009

firstly,i must say "thank you" for those who had showed me concern.
no worries,im fineeeeee :D
life goes on because...
the earth wont stop moving just cause im sad right!
i believe,time will heal (:

today was a no-school day!
but i had to turn up for project meet-up at Stella hse.
time's really running out.
tues and wed are deadline for both projects!
and i guess,we have to chiongggggggggg alrdy.
after 18th,im finally free away from projects,
but after which its my final term paper alrdy.

heres my busy schedule!! im so tired...
13th-15th : working in IT FAIR.
17th-18th :projects presentation.
19th :zoo outing with Ubi usuals.
20th-21st :bro's ROM.
22nd-29th :study week.
30th-9th Apr: EXAMINATION!!

its been almost a mth plus since we last met up.
i really miss you guys alot...
we dont really get to meet up often,
as we all have our own events everyday.
and thus,
i hope we can meet up real sooooooooon pleaseeeeeee :D

i miss these 6 ladies toooo.
im sorry nik that i cant mk it on fri.
ive forgotten im working in IT FAIR!
but after which i hope we can meet up tgt!
and jx! i miss you too!
hope your doing great in AUS(:

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