today i wasted another of my fruitful day.
once again.she nv fail me bu putting me aeroplane!
and its last minute somemore :(
so sad.
because school is reopening on Monday for me.
and i really wanna enjoy my last week of holidays!
i wont be so free often already.
i am officially into Diploma on 6th Oct.
projects,assignments,homework are next.
school reopen is a good thing to me
because there are things to motivate me again.
i see the need to focus and really score well for every paper!
but sad thing is that most of my lessons are conducted in the morning.
which i have to wake up very early:( :( :(
today we played game of "In Between" again.
i did not win or lose in the end.
Joanna won alot!
but she told me she only win $3? LOL.
and khysste is very sway okay!

see,good shot? LOL.

i am considering whether to get a psp or not.
many of my friends are playing it everyday!
and i have to lend from them.
sounds silly isnt it?
because i have sold my psp already.
now i am starting to regret it :(
should i or not to get a 2nd hand one?
'Signed off 11.40pm
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