USS WITH USUALS <3this is one of the happiest day of the year 2011!
been planning this day with usuals for MONTHS;
but our offday always clashed with each other.
our plans always fail and made us feel so SIAN x100.
because its a belated celebration for xy!!! hahahahaha.
i got so excited the night before USS,
we conf on the phone and laughed till energetic -.-
then we ganged up and call ks one by one to remind her to bring cam,
the moment she heard our voices again,we broke into loud laughters.
the next day,ks said...." my batt were exhausted" -.-!!!
reached vivo ard 9am and we went for MAC BF! WHOOOOO.
after which,we reached USS ard 10plus and began our journey!
the first exciting ride was Human ride;
got one siao char bor suddenly cried when we were queuing....
and so whose this siao char bor? LOLLOL.

the whole journey was full of laughters,laughters and laughters.
each time before meet up,
i'll always think of those epic moments and start smiling to myself!
we can never be serious for ONCE.
some stupid conver can make me laugh like one idiot!
tell me,what am i without all of them?
life would never be like now,so blessed with each of them with me <3