Tuesday, December 15, 2009

my mood today is good,
cause reian's pics brightened up my day!!
i put his pic as my hp's wallpaper! WOOTSSS.
sales is okay today,
so i shall be nice not to complain anything! haha.

after work went to meet team!
it has been awhile since i last met them.
they have been either busy with work or examzzzz.
now i must fork out more time to meet them!
mj for 2hrs...
and i lost 15bucks,plus cabfare its $21!
i think ive lost interest in mj alrdy eh?
not because i lose money,but its like SIAN-ed alrdy.....
i know nobody will believe me!! hahahaha.

as usual,had a fun time crapping with them.
i bet they miss my nonsense a million timessssss.
jun ask jx a v funny ques when we're taking picss.

jun:"eh jx,can you be prettier while taking pics?"

we were all like -__________________-"!
WHAT A QUES 269!!! lol.
meet up soon dudesssssssssss.
i bet i will miss out the fun on fri at sentosa! :(

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